Calm down, Hyrox is not a bad word, it’s just the modality dedicated to RESISTANCE AND HIGH-INTENSITY lovers!! A perfect class for everyone: you are a team athlete, runner, triathlete, Crossfit enthusiast, fitness and gym enthusiast, or a beginner in physical exercise!
Our group classes have reduced capacity to ensure that you are accompanied and challenged at all times and that your safety comes first!
45 min
Technique and mobility for performing the exercises, adaptations and evolution
850 Kcal
You can burn up to 850 Kcal.
It’s simple: the harder you work, the more calories you burn!
10 people
Maximum capacity for our classes is 10 people

Make your registration on REGYBOX APP
- Booking classes
- Registration of times/WOD results
- Registration of loads/PR
- Workout Management

Make your registration on REGYBOX APP
- Booking classes
- Registration of times/WOD results
- Registration of loads/PR
- Workout Management